Community Events/Programs (Download Sponsor Form)
Criteria for Requesting Events/Programming:
The Buzz Ware Village Center invites individuals and groups interested in sponsoring “community events” at the Building to submit a request. These events are an opportunity to bring people in The Ardens together to participate in a wide range of activities at no charge for use of Buzz Ware facilities. The committee will entertain one-time and serial events. To obtain approval for a community event/program, the sponsor of the event must submit a request to the committee (using the form on the website) describing the event, and how it meets the five requirements:
1) In alignment with the BWVC mission to serve the community.
2) Open and beneficial to all members of the community.
3) Non-Commerical, Non-Political,
4) Must be sponsored by a village resident of Arden, or Ardentown or Ardencroft.
Sponsorship forms are available on the website. Submitted after committee approval.
5) Free of charge, except for donations to the BWVC (Pay tribute to the BWVC during the event by verbally acknowledging gratitude and encouragement of donations. Sample script: “The Buzz Ware Village Center opens it’s doors for service to the community to provide events such as this. Please help us to continue to keep our lights on and the doors open for future recreational and educational events.”)
When a request has been received from a potential sponsor:
The program director shares the request at the next BWVC meeting.
The program director may ask the sponsor to attend the meeting to express their idea or the committee will vet it based on the conversation with the program director and the information submitted. The committee will consider the request based on being in alignment with the mission of the BWVC.
If agreed upon by the committee, the sponsor will meet with the program director or the entire committee to sign and review the sponsorship agreement.
The sponsor works with the BWVC committee and takes responsibility for meeting the details of the agreement. An attendance form that records attendance and donations will be prepared and submitted to the town office and the program director after the event or each program session. On going program reviews are reported at the BWVC monthly meetings and recorded in the minutes. A decision to conclude an on going program is at the discretion of the committee.
Advertising for the community event/program will be in the Page and the village’s bulletin boards with minimum 1 month’s advance notice of the event/program. The sponsor will submit the information to the Page editor. Advertising will include the BWVC as host and donation information.
The sponsor agreement details the nature of the event, the dates of commencement and cessation of the event /program, advertising and the sponsor’s contact information.